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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Exercise No. 5 - " Non-Objective Shapes"

       Exercise No. 5 is entitled " Non-objective shapes. In this activity, we've been tasked to draw something while eyes are closed in  a specific time and color it with no two the same color next to each other.

       In this activity, I learned to color properly and I should not leave any errors and dirts. Cleanliness in doing this activity must be observed. Our minds are indeed creative that we can form something even in a non-objective shapes. The thing I see in my output is a "snail".

Exercise No. 4 - " Nine Techniques"

    Exercise No. 4 is entitled "Nine Techniques". In this activity, we've been tasked to shade half of the tree based on what techniques asked. It's either in a horizontal, vertical, diagonal, cross, zigzag, spiral, circles, dots, smudge and combination of two techniques.

        In this activity, I learned that there are many ways or techniques in shading that you can use. This activity implies that students are not the same with each other. Each one of them has its own needs and teachers should assess these needs and there are several techniques a teacher can use.

Exercise No. 3 - "The Human Face"

        Exercise No. 3 is entitled " The human Face". In this activity, we've been tasked to draw a human face following some steps while applying the techniques learned in the previous activity about shading.

                 In this activity, I learned to draw a human face by following the step by step process and I applied shadings on it. This activity implies that learning is a step by step process and needs a step by step teachings too.

Exercise No. 2 - "Bottle and Plant with Shades"

       Exercise No. 2 is entitled “.Bottle and Plant with Shades”. In this activity, we’ve been tasked to draw a plant and a bottle based on what we have seen on our own perspective. We applied different shadings to make our drawing more vivid.


      In this activity, I learned how to apply different shadings in my drawings and I also learned that in reality, we have different perspective and views in life.

Exercise No. 1 - " Visualization"

   Exercise No. 1 is entitled " Visualization". In this Activity, we've been tasked to draw something that symbolizes freedom, strength, energy and unity and why we choose that symbol. I chose the "Katipunero's Flag as symbol for peace, rosary as a symbol for strength, sun as symbol for energy and fence for unity.

          In this activity, I learned to express and draw the things that symbolizes something in my mind. This activity serves as the starting point of more challenging activities to come and I learned something. It turned on my drawing skills and made myself prepared for another sets.
